architecture for disaster reduction and reconstruction,
7th i-Rec student competition


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Living above troubled waters
Mekong River Delta , Vietnam

Gujun Pu
Nhu Huynh
Shawn Charles
Tiara Wan

University of Auckland (engineering), Auckland, New Zealand

Dr. Alice Chang-Richards

Full Document (PDF)

The residents of the Mekong River Delta province in Vietnam, which accounts for approximately 20% of the 90 million population of the country, are affected by frequent flooding hazards. The delta and its immediate surroundings provide economic support to the residents, therefore, relocation from this flood-prone zone is almost impossible. With agriculture and tourism being the only income source, and little scope for additional sources, this limits their investment in safer and more sustainable homes and living standards.
The proposed design makes use of a floating house, made with specialised foam flooring, with holding rails that prevents the house from repositioning and relocating. Estimated to be constructed within one month, the new design will realise a cost-effective and durable home, making it a viable option for the approval from the government and funding.
Our design seeks to provide a solution for the protection of life and the preservation of property, of which both are the greatest losses in flooding disasters. Whilst the solution provides a highly satisfactory level of safety, the shift in new construction designs and material types provide avenues for capacity building and new income generation from new business opportunities.

image of the settlement (architectural scale or example of unit)

image of the settlement (urban scale or group of housing units)

diagram of the actors involved and the relationships between them