Angra Needs...
Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal
Cátia Azevedo
Cheila Oliveira
Florbela Moura
Faculdade de Arquitectura e Artes da Universidade Lusíada Vila Nova de Famalicão, V.N.Famalicão, Portugal
Artur Feio, Daniel Félix
Full Document (PDF)
The strategy focuses on tourism, agriculture/cattle rising activities, reactivation of local industry materials’ reuse, and population’s consciousness.
In order to encourage the tourism, it is suggested the construction of a permanent building, some small structures, and prepare the ground with infrastructures. These facilities support the touristic activities and offer gardening zones for locals/tourists, and also provide spaces for cultural events. After a disaster, these equipments and spaces can be used to assure the first response, providing emergency/temporary shelter, spaces for personal hygiene and nourishment. In the meanwhile, temporary houses can be erected in the sites already prepared with infrastructures near the vegetable-gardens. Thus, the strategy suggests the creation of spaces that offer public spaces and facilities to improve the city’s quality of life during ‘piece time’, but which have the conditions to be used during emergency situations.
At the same time, it is suggested the rehabilitation/reactivation of a local company that produces traditional roof tiles and blocks. Thus, this company could produce materials to help on the maintenance of existing buildings, and provide resources in case of a post-disaster reconstruction program. Therefore, it would help to improve the local economy and also be a great space for touristic visiting.
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image of the settlement (architectural scale or example of unit)
image of the settlement (urban scale or group of housing units)
diagram of the actors involved and the relationships between them