architecture for disaster reduction and reconstruction,
8th i-Rec student competition


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2017 Newcastle Earthquake Response
Newcastle, Australia

Alexandra Illuk
Nicholas Tan
Markos Hughes
Jenna Daley

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Liz Brodgen

Full Document (PDF)

Newcastle, a city on the east coast of Australia has suffered another earthquake, a repeat of a previous event experienced in 1989. This earthquake however, has hit at a time of social unrest with deep divides existing within in the community.
Ethos studio has been tasked with organising and proposing solutions for the recovery of the city. As well as the issues which have arisen from the earthquake, Ethos Studio has also aims to heal the fractured community through focused and considered project based on our research.

image of the settlement (architectural scale or example of unit)

image of the settlement (urban scale or group of housing units)

diagram of the actors involved and the relationships between them